A powerful 4 day retreat for Women Business Leaders

When I first started planning a program to rediscover or increase the Joy of Business the feedback I received was mixed.  Some women questioned if joy was truly possible in the business world, while others got that “far-away” look in their eyes as they remembered why they started their business in the first place and the joy they had (even during the challenging initial years.)  There were also some that still feel that joy, and want to grow it even more. 

I believe it is possible to experience joy in business.  And when we approach business from this place of passion and joy, our business will thrive, and more importantly we are more fulfilled, we have a better sense of “self” and we have healthier priorities and boundaries, and our lives are more in balance.

Most of us start our own business, or choose leadership roles with a passion and excitement for the work we do.  We had a vision of what we wanted to accomplish.  We had an energy that fueled our endeavors.  And, yes, we had joy. 

Too often some of that passion begins to wane, our vision may get clouded with what we perceive to be “reality”, our energy is drained, and our joy may be harder to find.  We may get distracted from the work we love to do by the mundane “chores” of doing business.  The reasons for this process, and the extent that our passion and joy fade are varied. 

The Joy of Business retreat is a unique and powerful retreat experience designed to rekindle the passion and refuel the energy.  We are all in a different stages of our business life.   Regardless of where you currently are on the spectrum of excitement and passion for the work you love to do, this program is intended for you.   This program is designed to help you reconnect with your vision, and recreate your mission if necessary. 

By the end of the retreat you will have have a better sense of what you want to do with your business, and how that impacts you personally as well.  You will have a foundation for a strategic plan that addresses not only your business life, but your personal life. 

As a business leader you bring a lot of yourself to the business.  You are intertwined with the business.  It can sometimes be difficult to separate yourself from the business.  It is your own personal power and energy that fuels the business.  In order to do this you must refuel yourself.  Taking a step back from the day-to-day operations, and reconnecting with your authentic self, will allow you to give more to the business without continuing to drain yourself. 

In order for a business to prosper and grow, strategic planning is essential.  Where are you in the process of strategic planning?  Have you reviewed your plan recently?  And if yes, are you on track to implement it, and make the plan a reality?  Are you working from an out-dated plan that you developed a while ago?  Does your plan reflect the current changes and realities your business must address?  Is your plan realistic?  And where do YOU fit into your plan? 

You will have the opportunity to revisit, review, and recreate your strategic plan from a fresh perspective.  You will have a community of support to help you in the process, giving you suggestions, guidance, and sometimes even answers to problems you may not know exist. 

Registration is only $950.

Call for further details 303.750.5458

The Joy of Business