Australia: +61 8 8121 7778

U.S.: +1 303 800 5436

At the outset of any coaching program, a detailed needs assessment is conducted to determine and clarify the desired goals, skills, issues, and challenges to be addressed. This assessment is comprised of a one-on-one discussion between the client and the coach.

Through this discussion we begin to understand the client’s structure of interpretation, what is motivating them in the present moment, what concerns are most prominent, what preconceived belief systems may be influencing behavior and performance, and other unique views that may be affecting success and outcomes.

By asking skillful questions, listening deeply, and being fully present with the client I am able to identify blind spots, make non-judgmental observations, and design custom practices to help you move forward.

Coaching programs are designed to be complete in themselves and have the goal of developing the tools necessary for you to become independent, self generating and self correcting an able to attain the success and excellence you desire.

You have an advocate who believes in your capabilties and who does not foster a never-ending relationship nor cultivates a dependence on the coaching process.


Christina offers 2 different styled coaching programs, Traditional and Personal Retreats.

Personal Retreats
Christina believes, and is living proof, that if you Visualize it, You can Realize it.

Personal Retreats are powerful one day experiences designed to help clients realize their goals and dreams. You will have a full day, one-on-one experinece with Christina where we are focused entirely on your goals and dreams. By the end of the day a tangible plan has been developed and you have a road map to follow to ensure success in making your goals a reality.


Traditional Coaching Programs
Incorporating new behaviors and ideas into everyday life, these programs are usually 3 - 6 month commitments. They consist of a variety of methods and tools designed to assist you in moving toward your goals and include discussions, readings, exercises, self-observations, and life-style changes.

Coaching conversations are generally 45–90 minutes in length and regularly scheduled. Overtime you are able to assimliate new patterns of behavior, and experience profound change.

Conversations are conducted either via the telephone or in person, depending on logistics and schedules. Intermediate contact is encouraged and can be done by short phone calls, fax or email.

Email Coaching
Email coaching is part of all coaching programs, and is offered at no additional charge to existing clients engaged in an active program.