
Who can benefit from coaching services?

Although the Effectiveness Coaching offered is not physical or sports coaching, professional and recreational athletes do benefit from Effectiveness Coaching.

Executives are accustomed to striving for their personal best and succeeding. Coaching for Executives is designed to help the executive continue to succeed. . It helps them learn, grow, and change and keeps them on the path to excellence.

Teams and Organizations
Teams and organizations stay focused on common goals and strive to ensure success when working with an Effectiveness Coach. A two-pronged approach is used to make teams/organizations more cohesive and more effective at all levels and utilize talent and assets that otherwise may have gone unnoticed and unused. Profitability increases, conflicts decrease and organizations move closer to reaching goals.

People in Transition
(Career/Retirement/Life Changes)
Transitions are a constant part of life with some being more significant than others.  During major transitions people often feel out of balance, ineffective and lost. Coaching enables clients to move through the transition as powerfully and completely as possible.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
Entrepreneurs and Business Owners must be on the leading edge of new ventures.  Coaching provides new skills and techniques necessary to define focus, clarify vision, wear multiple hats and launch new endeavors.

Bodyworkers are called to their profession to help and serve others. Many enter the profession without the business background or skills necessary to successfully build and maintain a practice. Additionally they, sacrifice self-care for their clients. Coaching programs are designed to help Bodyworkers create the business they want, doing the work they love, without sacrificing their own interests.


These are just a few examples of types of people that can benefit from professional effectiveness coaching.

Of course Massage Therapy often accelerates the progress by relaxing the mind and body, and facilitating another level of awareness.

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